Penguins, also called by their scientific name: Aptenodytes patagonica; are usually witty (ingeniós), meticulous, intelligent, dual-natured, inscrutable (indesxifrable) and self-conscious (tímid o que es preocupa per tot) animals.
According to the test, the idyllic careers for this bird personality are these: waiter, designer, actor, journalist, herbalist, or writer; and It's most common hobbies are: gambling, board games, reading and family time.
About hobbies, I like to spend time with my family and other people who I appreciate, and I enjoy reading and playing board games, but I don't dedicate a lot of time to these last ones. I also can identify with the penguin personality because as they do, I love art from acting, to drawing or singing, so, the designer work could be a good option as a job for me, although I am not really interested in the other careers.
I also agree about I'm meticulous, because I know that I am quite perfectionist in most things, as well as I think that I can be due-natured, inscrutable and self-conscious depending on the moment and the confidence that I have to the people around me.
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